Hugin development snapshot

Here you can find most recent Windows build of the open source panorama stitching program Hugin.

More information about the program can be found at Also check out the mailing list at google groups for the latest news.

Be aware that this is a development snapshot based on SVN version . This is not a stable release. No guarantees whatsoever. If it crashes your computer beyond repair, tough luck. For a stable release go to the hugin homepage. That being said it runs quite smoothly on my WinXP machine. Please look for known issues, or report new ones, at the SourceForge tracker and/or the mailing list.

This build was made possible by the SDK provided by Guido Kohlmeyer, from which I built the binaries, as well as an installer. The installer script was written by Yuval Levy, and I made a few minor changes to it.

Latest news

Hugin 0.8 released

Finally, the official version of Hugin 0.8 is out. I've built an installer for it. Download it here. Some parts of that file have patent issues in the USA, because they use the SIFT algorithm. Those who prefer an installer without patented files, download this.

Below you see a panorama stitched with the 3716 build. It's the pyramid at the Louvre museum in Paris, from the inside. Shot handheld again, so parallax errors are noticable. But I like it nevertheless. I used the Miller Cylindrical projection for a nice balance between a realistic look and getting everything into the image.

a panorama stitched with Hugin 0.8